Hola! [English below]
そして遂に今、私たちのプロジェクトはConcha Latina Tokyo=コンチャ・ラティーナ・トーキョー!!
もっと知りたいですか?読み続けてください! :)
お店の場所 東京都立川市曙町2-23-1地下一階
営業時間 (仮)18:00~24:00
メニュー 作成中ですが、本場のラテンフードとカクテル、ビール、そしてダンスが楽しめます。
必要なリソース (技術設備とインフラ)
CAMPFIRE 手数料:約18万円
4年11月中旬 物件契約完了
5年1月 クラウドファンディング終了
1月下旬日 新店舗オープン
1月下旬日 イベント開催
5年2月下旬 リターン発送開始
ぜひ暖かいご支援をお願いいたします!! 最後までお読みいただき、ありがとうございました。
We are Rie, José and Pura and we live in Tokyo. After several years being friends and working together elbow to elbow, we have thought to embark ourselves in a new project: La Concha Latina Tokyo. Do you want to learn more about it? Keep on reading! :)
My name is Pura and I come from the Dominican Republic. I will be the owner chef, in charge of bringing all the Latin-American flavours to all of our customers in La Concha Latina Tokyo. ¡Bienvenidos! (Welcome!).
We want to open a restaurant and cultural center with latino character in Tachikawa, Tokyo, for the Spanish speaking community to feel at home when gathering together. We know in our own experience that you miss a lot of things when being in a foreign country - family, friends… but something that unites everyone is food and drinks that belong to our country that sometimes is difficult to get or prepare.
At Concha Latina Tokyo, our doors are open to EVERYONE, regardless of age, nationality, ethnicity, gender, race, religion ... It's a place where everyone is welcome! Especially, we hope that Latin-American cuisine lovers will enjoy our food, drinks, and cultural events, and if you've never had Latin cuisine, give us a try, you will probably leave a Latin cuisine lover!
We are also open to groups that wish to participate in cultural activities such as cooking lessons, zumba, yoga, Spanish… as well as art exhibitions.
Our more immediate objective is to boost Latin-American culture in this area and let the Tachikawa and surroundings people know it. We also want to be the meeting point for all the latino culture lovers, and the most important, that people can feel at ease in a place done for and by them.
We believe it’s necessary because the Latin community in this part of Tokyo must have a place to meet up and be comfortable in a cozy environment. Besides, we want to promote the Latin-American cuisine to all of these curious people that want to know more about it.
Nowadays in Tachikawa and surroundings there are no Latin-American restaurants, except some Mexican restaurants, and we have noticed that the demand of this kind of restaurants is rising. As we could see, all of the spaces that offer this kind of food are located in the center of Tokyo, which makes that the population of Tachikawa needs to move until that area to enjoy those delicious bites.
We want to give more food variety to an area that is bursting with typical Japanese bars and restaurants with various types of cuisines, plus an unique space to eat and drink as well as get together and be able to participate in different cultural activities.
Until the moment we have found an emplacement for the cultural center and also we have asked for a credit to banks, but that money is not enough to cover all the costs that implies a new restaurant. Also, we are looking for new ways of promoting and let everybody in Tachikawa and surroundings know about the new space made for them.
Equipment cost: about 1,600,000 yen
Publicity expenses: about 220,000 yen
CAMPFIRE Fee: about 180,000 yen
- Mid-December 2022: property contract completed
- January: crowdfunding ends
- Late January: new store opening
- Late February: rewards to contributors
For all the above, we need your help, because we have only a few means and funds to make this dream come true. Of course, we will be so thankful for all of your contributions, even if they are small, and they will be rewarded!
Thank you very much and a big hug!
もっと見るRewards! リワード!
2023/02/26 10:29¡Hola!From Concha Latina Tokyo we hope you are all good, although it's being so cold lately.We have started to send the Thank you mails to all of our dear collaborators, so check your inbox, maybe you have a surprise there!We have made a very cozy and nice restaurant thanks to you, so we are so happy to welcome you when you visit us.Thank you and a big hug!最近とても寒くなるので、コンチャラティーナトーキョーからみんな元気を。お礼メール送ってはじめてから、メールチェックしてください!とてもオシャレで落ち着くレストラン作ったから、来てくれたら嬉しいです。ありがとうございます! もっと見る
¡GRACIAS! ありがとうございます!
2023/02/02 08:48¡Hola!CAMPFIREキャンペーンが終わって、みんなどもありがとうございました!ニュースがあります。。。2月14日オーペンします!楽しみです!忙しくても、とても嬉しいです。フードとドリンクのメニューをご紹介するのを緊張していますね。それも、opening パーティーもやります!みんな来ませんか?よろしくお願いいたします!¡Hola!CAMPFIRE campaign has finished. For everyone who has participated, we would like to say a big THANK YOU!!!We have news… We are opening February 14th, and looking forward to it!Even we have been so busy, we are so excited to show you our food and drink menu soon.Also, we are doing 3 opening parties. Check the following flyer for more details.Everybody is more than welcome!Thank you and a big hug! もっと見る
2023/01/26 08:57¡Hola!寒いね!あたたくなるために今日の料理は。。。ミートボールとトマトソースシチュー!とても美味しいですよ~すぐにニュースあるますから、お楽しもに!CAMPFIREクラウドファンディングの最後の3日だのでもうちょっと頑張ります!LET’S GO!ありがとうございます!¡Qué frío hace! Y para calentarse nada mejor que… guiso de albóndigas con tomate, ¡que está para quitarse el sombrero!Muy pronto tendremos noticias, estén atentos...También queremos recordarles que quedan 3 días para que finalice nuestro crowdfunding en CAMPFIRE. ¡Ánimo! LET’S GO!¡Muchas gracias y un abrazo enorme!It’s so cold outside! And nothing better to warm us up than having… meatball and tomato sauce stew. It’s delicious!We will have exciting news soon, stay tuned ;)We also would like to remind you we have 3 days left for our CAMPFIRE crowdfunding campaign, LET’S GO!Thank you very much, and a very big hug! もっと見る